WEST Fifers will soon be able to remember their much-loved pets with the creation of what is thought to be the first rainbow bridge in the UK.

The structure in Comrie has been created by community stalwart Ronnie Collins and the West Fife Woodlands group, and it is hoped will provide a place of reflection.

Ronnie explained: "It is the only rainbow bridge, we believe, in the whole of the UK. People can put a wee memorial for their cat or their dog or their horse or their guinea pig or whatever. There is a lot of interest in it.

The Rainbow Bridge which will official open in Comrie next week.The Rainbow Bridge which will official open in Comrie next week. (Image: West Fife Woodlands)

"I was approached by a woman from Clackmannan and she said 'Is there anywhere we can put in a rainbow bridge?'.

"She said it was for people for when their pets die and they can put a tag and scatter their ashes. It is an ideal spot."

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Plans for a bridge have been in the pipeline for several years, however work was unable to get underway until planning permission was secured by the Comrie management group for the former colliery site.

"This has been spoken about for years now and we couldn't really do anything until the final application was submitted and agreed by the council earlier this year," said Ronnie.

Ronnie Collins beside the memorial plaques at the new Rainbow bridge.Ronnie Collins beside the memorial plaques at the new Rainbow bridge. (Image: David Wardle)

"It is part of the old rail line that went through Oakley to Comrie pit. When the old pit closed, they decided to cut away the bridge that was there to stop anyone going to access the pit.

"We got funding to purchase a bridge and we put the bridge in very quickly, in a week, and that was us delayed waiting for certain things to make sure it was safe.

"The local councillors, Graeme Downie and Sam Steele, have really helped us achieve the funding targets.

A dog at the new rainbow bridge. (Image: David Wardle)

"The whole project is part of a bigger paths network we are creating from Comrie ad Oakley right up to Saline."

The new structure comes adorned with a rainbow arch and benches at the bridge and a little further along the path, it is hoped, will provide a tranquil place for people to come and remember their pets."A lot of people are showing interest. It has really picked up," added Ronnie.

"We are putting a wee memorial rail. We have also put in four benches, one either side, and two further up the path."

Local councillors as well as residents and those involved in the project will gather on Saturday for the official opening.