FORMER Prime Minister Gordon Brown has led the tributes to a "tremendously impressive" Labour and union stalwart from Dunfermline.

Eleanor Haggett died on Monday at the age of 76.

She had served as chairperson of Dunfermline and West Fife Villages Labour party for many years and was a prominent trade unionist.

Leading the tributes, Mr Brown said: “Eleanor Haggett was a tremendously impressive servant of the community who devoted her life to helping others and who will be remembered for her warm-heartedness and generosity.

"She will be missed by all those who care about the health service and about public services which she championed all her life.”

(Image: Contributed)

Posting on Twitter, Labour leader Anas Sarwar said: "Eleanor Haggett was a champion of working people and a dedicated trade unionist and Scottish Labour stalwart.

"Eleanor will be sorely missed by all of us who knew and loved her - our thoughts are with her family, her Unison comrades, and all her many friends."

A statement from the Unison Fife branch said it was with "great sadness" that they notified members of her passing.

"Throughout her many years as a trade unionist Eleanor supported thousands of our members and did so with great compassion and empathy," they said.

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"Eleanor held many positions over the years within Unison, latterly she was our Labour link officer, but no matter what position she held she worked tirelessly for the benefit of our members.

"Eleanor was part of our Unison Fife family and we will all miss her. Our hearts go out to her family and we ask that you hold them in your thoughts and prayers over the coming days."

Mid Scotland and Fife Labour MSP Alex Rowley said Eleanor had been an influential and supportive figure throughout his time in politics.

"She brought her wisdom and wide ranging experience to lead the Fife Labour Party over many years as well as being a prominent trade union figure across Scotland," he said.

"I and many more in Fife have benefited over many years from her willingness to listen, share ideas and give direction and her passing is a massive loss. My thoughts are with her family at this time."

Dunfermline and Dollar MP Graeme Downie said he was "saddened and upset" to hear of Eleanor's death.

"Formidable, hard-working, caring and determined are just a few of the words I have heard to describe Eleanor from people I have spoken to today," he said.

"For decades, Eleanor campaigned for better rights, more power for workers and for better public services that looked after the most vulnerable people in society, working directly in both the health and housing services.

"Eleanor also served and helped to protect our country, serving as a Wren in the Royal Navy, a further example of her dedication to public service and to helping others.

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"Eleanor will be deeply missed by everyone who knew her, by the Labour Party in Dunfermline and across the country, by the trade union movement and the hundreds of people she supported and helped across the years.

"Without her and people like her, we would not be in the position we are today, with the chance to deliver on creating the fairer and more equal society that I know she valued and wanted to see."

Dunfermline South councillor Cara Hilton added: "Eleanor was an absolutely amazing person who worked tirelessly for Scottish Labour Party and for Unison Scotland.

"Eleanor was passionate about social justice and about socialism. She never stopped working."

Rosyth councillor Andrew Verrecchia said Eleanor's "unwavering" dedication to their shared values and her tireless efforts for the community had a profound impact on those around her.

"Eleanor was not just a colleague; she was a friend and a mentor who inspired us all with her passion and commitment," he added. "The void she leaves behind is immense, and her absence will be felt deeply within our party and beyond."