A FOOTBALL club has been kicked off its pitch again after travellers moved in on their Cowdenbeath home.

Crossgates Primrose had hoped that their Fife Council-leased facility on Perth Road would be in action for their 2012s side, however they have again been forced to make alternative arrangements for upcoming games.

The situation comes after games had to be relocated at the end of the season when travellers moved onto the site in May.

After discussions with the council, it was agreed a fence and high gate would be erected to prevent future occurrences, however this work had not been completed before some caravans moved back last week.

READ MORE: Travellers' camp sees Crossgates football team turfed out

While pleased that the work is being carried out, club secretary Alex Rutherford said on Friday that it was frustrating that they were back to square one.

"It would be great if they had completed it prior to more travellers moving in and now destroying the pitch again with quad bikes and horses," he said. "They are pitched all over the pitch and also down by the children's play park.

"The team were supposed to play their first match on the pitch on Saturday and the parents had been out weeding the pitch and getting everything ready last Sunday.

"We are now back at square one where we will have to pay extra money to hire a pitch for the upcoming games, whilst paying for the lease on a pitch that may not be playable for a very long time now, as the travellers leave all their mess including human waste everywhere.

"I have been in discussion with Fife Council who are doing all that is possible and when they leave this time they hope to finish the height restriction gate to ensure this does not happen again."

Fife Council say they are aware that a small group of travellers have come to the area and have begun legal action so they can be moved on.