FOR most people, completing one Munro is a challenge in itself, but for a group of parents and coaches, four was their goal.

The group, all representing Dunfermline Athletic Community Club 2015s, embarked on the challenge to help cover costs for the team’s participation in the Fleetwood Cup.

They set out a route from Glenshee to the east side of the Cairnwell Pass and also aimed to complete the task in just six hours.

Graeme Connor, coach for Dunfermline 2015s, said: “The concept was thought up by me and soon had the backing of a handful of parents to take on the challenge.

“Our target was to raise £1,000 for the team trip. By the day of the event, we had exceeded the target, and that amount is still rising as we speak.

“Bearing in mind, only two of us had ever climbed a Munro before, it was a real eye opener for what lay ahead.

“A massive thank you to the keen team of hikers who completed the challenge and also to everyone who has supported us through donations.”

The group identified four Munros as being doable within the six hour timeframe - Càrn an Tuirc, Cairn of Claise, Glas Maol and Creag Leacach.

The team got the trickiest out of the way first, with Càrn an Tuirc proving to be the toughest ascent of the day.

Graeme led the group up this Munro first, meaning they could traverse across the moorland up and down to bag the remaining three Munros, as opposed to going back down to the ground and starting again.

After ticking off Cairn of Claise, the group pushed on to reach the summit of Glas Maol, which would take them to the highest point of the afternoon.

FUNDRAISER: The group at the top of one of their four Munros.  (Image: Alana Chesher)

With fatigue setting in, the group had one last Munro to tick off, Creag Leacach.

He added: “This was easily the most spectacular, a very prominent pyramidal peak reached by scrambling up and across what seemed like an endless boulder field.

“However, with the sun out in full force and the limitless views, this was definitely a rewarding way to end our challenge.

“We then had the soul-destroying hike back down the boulder field and traversing across the mountain range back to the ski centre car park where we left just under six hours previous.”

The group’s fundraiser is still open and, despite far exceeding their target, they are still looking for extra funds to cover the team’s trip to Blackpool next Easter.

Funds currently sit at £1,325 at the time of writing and this can be added to at