A COUNCILLOR has raised concerns about road safety at a junction if a housing development in Aberdour goes ahead.

David Barratt spoke out after a two-car crash on the B9157 on Monday, near the junction for Mill Farm Road, with one person reportedly taken to hospital. 

As previously reported in the Press, plans are progressing for nearly 200 new homes on the Hillside School site in Aberdour - with the main access off Mill Farm Road.

Cllr Barratt, who represents the Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay ward, commented: “There's no avoiding the fact the proposed Cala development at Hillside School in Aberdour is deeply unpopular. 

“The site is allocated in the local development plan for 70 homes, it received planning permission in principle for 125 homes despite opposition from residents and Fife Council, and the developer now proposes 186 homes.

READ MORE: Aberdour resident worried about loss of trees at Hillside

“The main access for the site is to be off Mill Farm Road, a short distance from the blind summit crossroad junction with the B9157.

“The intensification of this junction is a serious concern and the recent accident here serves as a timely reminder of this.” 

Cala's own transport assessment states: "The B9157 / Mill Farm Road junction has stop line approaches on both the east and west approaches, these are in place due to restricted visibility at the junction.

"Visibility from Mill Farm Road (east) is restricted to the left due to the crest of a hill however visibility to the right is unobstructed.

“Visibility from Mill Farm Road (west) is restricted to both the left and right due to mature vegetation and the walls and building lines associated with a property adjacent to the B9157.

“Despite the restricted visibility there have only been two reported injury accidents at this junction in the past five years.

READ MORE: Aberdour school making progress after ‘significant concerns’

“While the advance signage remains in good condition the road markings, anti-skid surfacing and rumble strips require to be refurbished.

"A refurbishment of the road markings and anti-skid surfacing will ensure that the junction continues to operate safely.”

It concludes: "The development traffic has no impact on the safe operation of this junction."

Cllr Barratt added: “They can now increase that statistic by 50 per cent. The developer anticipates 75 per cent of the traffic from the development will use this junction.

“To be proposing nothing more than a refresh of the existing measures, despite a significant intensification of the junction, is concerning.”

A spokesperson at Cala said: "We are sorry to hear about the accident in the Aberdour area on August 26, and we hope those involved make a full and speedy recovery.​

"We are aware of local concerns regarding the existing junction at Mill Farm Road, and although it lies outside our proposed area of development, our plans for Hillside have been carefully considered in the local context, including traffic assessments. 

"The proposals are now subject to a robust planning process led by Fife Council.”