A MEMBER of the Crossford Gala Committee has warned that the annual fireworks display needs financial support.

Carol Callan told the Press that the event runs at a loss which means there's a big question mark over how long it can continue.

She said: “The fireworks display is on November 1st and it’s one of the few organised displays that’s really left in this area with Dunfermline's not going ahead anymore.

“I understand Dunfermline's display stopped because it was running at a loss and they couldn’t afford to do it anymore, and unfortunately that’s the same for Crossford.

“Crossford is a really well attended firework display.

“We have problems with the funding as well and every year we run at a loss and it runs into thousands, and we have to make it up with other fundraising activities we do.”

This year the committee will be asking attendees for a minimum donation of £2 per person, and they are also looking for support from local businesses.

Carol added that they don’t sell tickets for the event as it is “very hard to police”. They will be collecting donations in buckets and will set up QR codes so people can also donate that way.

“Obviously we don’t want to run at a loss, really, we have got to let people know it’s running at a loss and there’s always a chance that it won’t go ahead in the future.

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“It’s one of the few firework displays left and people can come as a family and the kids can enjoy themselves, but the public donating and bringing cash would bring us into a lesser debt at the end of it,” she added.

Carol also explained that next year’s gala in Crossford will be the event's 70th anniversary. The committee want to reach out to people in the area who may have stories and photos from past years.

They are also looking for previous gala kings and queens. Anyone with any information can get in touch via the Crossford Children’s Gala Facebook page.

The fireworks display will take place on November 1 in King George V Park, opening at 6pm.

There will be Scouts selling hot dogs and soup, and there will be stalls and neon toys to purchase.