A HUSBAND-AND-WIFE team from Oakley are taking over a West Fife pet hotel.

James and Danielle Shields have purchased the Linvid Pet Hotel, which is situated between Oakley and Valleyfield, just off the A95.

The couple have both always loved dogs, and have trained working Labradors for about eight years.

James has a dog training company called Inzievarbeck Gundogs, where he runs a range of training sessions for all types of dogs.

Services include home visits, puppy classes, and group sessions.

James told the Press of their decision to buy the pet hotel: “We had at one point eight dogs at our last house, we just thought it was a good business opportunity.”

The duo are now in the process of doing the hotel up to their tastes, but the previous owners have left it in good condition.

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Linvid Pet Hotel was previously licensed for up to 20 dogs and 20 cats.

“I have had up to eight dogs in my own so I think it will be good fun having 20, looking forward to the change.

“We are hoping to be open for mid-September, just got in on Friday the 23rd so manic getting everything done.” James added.

Now, their plans are to make the hotel a safe and comfortable space for dog and cat boarding, as well as doggy day care.

Danielle also hopes to start some dog grooming from the premises too.

The hotel will be getting renamed, it will now be known as the Rowan Sands Pet Hotel, and James says that they are “excited” to get stuck in.