WORK to upgrade the games hall floor at High Valleyfield Community Centre is set to progress after a funding package was agreed.

Members of Fife Council's South and West area committee approved a recommendation to invest £25,000 for the much-needed renovation.

According to ward Councillor Sam Steele (SNP), the well-used floor has already “been patched to within an inch of its life”.

“This is one of our busiest and most well used community centres in Ward 1,” she said.

The games hall at High Valleyfield Community Centre.The games hall at High Valleyfield Community Centre. (Image: Contributed)

“This floor has been patched to within an inch of its life, and this money is definitely required.”

Area committee councillors were asked for a £25,000 contribution towards the overall cost to replace and upgrade the hall floor on Wednesday.

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“The existing games hall floor, which is used particularly well, needs to be replaced and upgraded,” Alastair Mutch, the community manager for South and West Fife, said.

“It’s been patched for a number of years but it’s now beyond economic repair and it’s getting to the stage where there are associated safety concerns.”

The committee report explained that the vinyl games floor is splitting and the underfloor below is beginning to let moisture through.

“To continue without replacing the flooring would lead to this area being closed for public use,” the report said.

The project will cost a total of £45,000, but Property Services and High Valleyfield Community Centre Management Committee have each agreed to contribute £10,000 to replace the floor.

With the £25,000 from the Area Capital Budget, the project can now progress as planned.

The work will uplift, remove and dispose of the existing flooring. It will also re-lay the sub-floor and see it topped with sports vinyl flooring with the outside edges feathered and aluminium trim added for the final finish.

Councillors were told that this will be an upgrade to the floor currently in place.

“It is one of our most used community centres by quite a way and [this investment] will be a brilliant step forward,” Councillor Conner Young (Conservative for West Fife and Coastal Villages) said.

The £25,000 funding was unanimously approved from the Area Capital Budget on Wednesday and the project will be allowed to proceed.