A MUM has told of the “total shock” she felt when she found out that her young son had been hit by a car.

Dani Williams’ ten-year-old son, Jamie Gunn, was hit by a car whilst he was on his bike last Wednesday (August 28).

The incident took place in Rosyth’s Primrose Avenue. The driver stopped to ask Jamie if he was alright, but drove away after Jamie said he was.

Dani told the Press: “Jamie was very lucky to just be sort of bumped and bruised, his bike’s a wee bit damaged at the front wheel, the metal frame of the wheel is a bit bent, it’ll probably need replaced to be able to go on his bike again.

“Jamie was sore kind of all over on the Wednesday and Thursday, the Friday he felt a bit better and chose to go to school. He seemed a lot more back to himself on Friday.”

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Jamie called Dani after the bump had taken place, and she could not believe that the driver had drove away.

The bump took place on Primrose Avenue.The bump took place on Primrose Avenue. (Image: Google)

She commented: “I was really probably in shock for a few days, and I still can’t quite get my head around how someone could knock a child down with a car and not get out.

“I had to go and collect him and his bike because he couldn’t cycle. Why couldn’t they wait until a parent got there or help arrived?

 “That sort of shock seems to have hit everyone that I have spoken to.”

Afterwards, Dani posted an appeal on the Rosyth Billboard Facebook page, asking for witnesses or dashcam footage of the accident.

“It’s really weird and it really took me days to sort of snap out of being in total shock.

“Who would do that? Who would knock a child down and not help them? I really couldn’t believe it.

“I really hope the driver comes forward, and takes responsibility for what happened.” She added.

A Police Scotland spokesperson previously told the Press: "We received a report of a hit and run incident which happened around 5pm on Wednesday, 28 August, 2024.

“Enquiries are at an early stage.”