A ROSYTH SNP councillor is preparing to undertake his first 10k next month.

Brian Goodall will be doing the Great Scottish Run in Glasgow on October 6 to raise funds for Rosyth Men’s Shed.

He has been working with the charity to identify possible sites where they might set up a home for themselves.  They now plan to move to a large area off Kings Road.

And he hopes to raise funds to help them with the move.

Brian told the Press: “It’s a bit of a challenge, it’s a step up. I’ll be very pleased if I do manage to complete it.”

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The site where Rosyth Men's Shed plan to move.The site where Rosyth Men's Shed plan to move. (Image: David Wardle)

So far, the furthest he has managed to do is 7k, but he hopes to step it up before lacing up his trainers for the big run. 

He has also managed to raise £263 on his fundraising page and says that he has “had a great response” and is “really pleased”.

Brian chose to support Rosyth Men’s Shed because they are a “worthwhile cause; they do such good work, and they are well known locally.”

He said of his fundraising target: “I’ll just keep going as long as I am still getting donations in. I set it initially for £300, I got so much in I updated it to £500.”