A FOOTBALL pavilion in a Dunfermline park has been transformed thanks to the work of local artist Donna Forrester and a group of art students.

Peacocks, squirrels and city centre landmarks have been incorporated into the design after Donna was tasked with sprucing up the building.

The project is the latest of ongoing improvement work in the park spearheaded by the Brucefield Tenants and Residents Association (TRA).

Its secretary, Kathleen Langner, was delighted with the final design.

The mural in St Leonard's Park.The mural in St Leonard's Park. (Image: Contributed)

"We are very happy with it," she said. "Donna has done an amazing job.

READ MORE: St Leonard's park lit up after path improvement work

"We wanted to involve as much of the community as we could so we reached out to Dunfermline High School art department. After speaking to Donna, we said we wanted something that represented Dunfermline – it could be anything at all.

(Image: Contributed)

"It was put out to the kids and they put designs together.

"Donna took them and created her own design from all of them. The kids – or teenagers – did an amazing job and it all was inspired from their ideas."

The project was made possible thanks to funding from the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust and Fife Council.