A SEXUAL assault victim used social media to gather the evidence that police needed to bring her assailant from Kelty to justice, a court has heard.

The woman went on line to urge other women who had been targeted by Darren Gibson,32, to speak to detectives.

At the High Court in Edinburgh today (Thursday), he pleaded guilty to rape, sexual assault and threatening behaviour.

The female who sought to bring him to justice, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was targeted in 2008 and 2009 when she was aged just 12.

He repeatedly had unlawful sex with her at locations in Kelty.

Prosecutor Bill McVicar told judge Lord Young how Gibson was 16 when he committed these crimes.

He said: “The accused told the complainer that he was attracted to a female in the year below him.

“The complainer sought to keep the accused interested in her by offering her virginity to him.”

Mr McVicar said that in the years following the attack, the woman realised she was the victim of a sexual assault and sought to bring Gibson to justice.

The prosecutor said: “The complainer publicised her concerns about the conduct of the accused on social media with a view to encouraging other girls who had been involved with him to come forward and support her intended report to the police.

“When she did mark her report, she provided details of the other complainers, all of whom she had been in contact with.”

In court Gibson admitted sexually abusing five women during a course of conduct which took place between 2008 and 2019 at locations in the village.

He had unlawful sex with two other schoolgirls.

He also sexually assaulted another female in 2014. The woman woke one evening to find him lying on top of her.

Mr McVicar said: “The complainer was alarmed and shouted out asking the accused what he was doing to which he replied: ‘I’m not finished yet’.

“The complainer asked ‘Finished what? I was sleeping’ to which he replied ‘We are having sex’.

“The complainer told the accused no and explained to him that they were not going to have sex as she was sleeping.

“The accused became abusive when the complainer refused to have sexual intercourse and went into a mood, falling asleep.”

The court also heard how Gibson raped another woman in 2018. She had been sleeping when she woke to find him on top of her.

Mr McVicar added: “The complainer felt pain. She managed to push him away and exclaimed she had been sleeping to which the accused replied ‘You were up for it’.

“The complainer explained that she had been sleeping and it was painful.”

Police arrested Gibson in February 2022.

Mr McVicar said: “He made no meaningful admissions and made denials.”

Gibson will be sentenced at the High Court in Dundee on October 9.