A 32-year-old man assaulted his ex-partner during an incident in Rosyth.

Scott Clelland, 32, of Primrose Avenue, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on 12th August at that address he assaulted her by striking her on the face and pushing her on the body.

The court was told that Clelland is already on the Caledonian Programme for domestic offenders.

Defence solicitor Stephen Morrison said: “He knows what he’s done is not acceptable. His previous convictions do him no favours.”

Sheriff Susan Duff called for a proof in mitigation on 9th October to establish the facts as there was a dispute about what happened.

Depute fiscal Azrah Yousaf said the Crown did not accept the claim by Clelland that he had been there to collect his belongings.