PLANS to create an outdoor learning nursery just outside Crossgates have been lodged with Fife Council.

The application to change the use of land east of Woodlee Poultry Farm on North Road to the nursery facility would see three portacabins put on the site.

It is planned that the nursery would open from 6am until 6pm, Mondays to Saturdays and "an immersive learning space" would be provided for the children to interact with nature and the environment.

A statement to planners explained: "Given the semi-rural location and direct access to nature, the proposal would provide a stimulating environment for children, provide a range of learning and playing experiences with nature, be inclusive and be suitable for a range of age groups of children.

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"The proposal will bring a new and inclusive learning style to local children which will allow them to be active and interact with nature.

"This type of proposal could not be facilitated within the settlement boundary of Crossgates due to the evidence presented above which confirms there are no suitable sites which meet the criteria.

"The proposal is likely to increase the health and well-being of local children with access to open space, nature, and stimulating activities such as fruit and vegetable growing and craft making in an open-air natural learning environment.

"The portacabins will be made from recycled materials and the site will focus on reusing and recycling materials which would be used for crafting and play. Therefore, the site will maximise its contribution to zero waste and recycling."

Access to the site will be shared with the poultry farm an, in order to reduce traffic movement, a minibus would be in operation to transport children from the nearby Crossgates Primary.