A GROUP of kind-hearted schoolchildren gave gone the extra mile to help raise funds for charity.

Five primary five pupils from McLean Primary School set up their own business selling loom bands to their classmates.

Esther Fasoro, Sophie Campbell, Zoe McAleavy, Olivia MacIver and Auri Savage came up with the idea and decided to donate the proceeds to charity.

Teacher Anna Stevenson explained: "The girls went home, thought of the idea, made posters and started to raise monies in their break and lunch times. They had no adult help during the process.

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"The total they raised for the Edinburgh cat and dog home was £48. The girls are hoping to do more fundraising this year for a children's charity."

The girls added: "'We started as a business, but then thought it would be better to raise money for charity. Our fund raising idea was to sell loom bands. We chose the cat and dog home in Edinburgh because we love cats and dogs as they deserve to be treated like us too.

"We had fun doing it! We are now thinking about doing more fundraising again this year, like a danceathon, and hopefully raise money for a children's charity."