A teenager sent threatening messages to another girl who she saw as a love rival.

The victim, from North Queensferry, was told to go and kill herself by 18-year-old Nakeisha Muir.

Muir, of Kerrera Place, Glenrothes, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

She admitted that between September 2 and 4 last year, at an address in North Queensferry, she contacted a female, repeatedly made derogatory remarks and attempted to induce her to harm herself and commit suicide.

Depute fiscal Brogan Moffat said the background was that Muir wanted to go out with a boy but he already had a girlfriend.

This was the girl Muir began targeting with abusive messages and phone calls.

These included: “I hope you kill yourself” and “I hope you slit your throat and die.”

Another message was, “Go kill yourself, you fat ugly b******.”

Defence solicitor Amy Harley said, “She thought she was in a relationship with the boy. That’s her explanation. She got upset and jealous.”

Sheriff Susan Duff imposed a structured deferred sentence and Muir will return to court on December 18.