A 43-year-old man has been jailed and banned from driving for life after crashing a car into a roundabout in Rosyth.

Jamie Mullan and his two passengers ran from the vehicle, which then caught fire.

Mullan, a prisoner at Perth, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on 16th July at Castlandhill Road and Queensferry Road, Rosyth, he drove a car when disqualified and without insurance.

He also drove dangerously and whilst under the influence of alcohol or controlled drugs, at excessive speed.

Mullan failed to slow sufficiently to negotiate a roundabout and collided with railings, damaging them.

A female shopworker at the Co-op in Castlandhill Road at 6.30am saw a customer “under the influence of something”.

Someone then came into the shop concerned about that male getting into the driver’s seat in a car outside.

The police were contacted about a man driving a black Range Rover under the influence towards Admiralty Road.

Another witness saw the vehicle being driven at speed north on Queensferry Road. The brakes were slammed on and the car skidded through the railings of a roundabout.

The front of the vehicle was extensively damaged. Three people got out of the car and ran towards Rosyth railway station.

Police officers were called to the area and saw that the car had crashed through the railing, hit a lamp-post and had caught fire.

Officers were told the three people had left the train station and got on a service bus.

The bus was stopped by the police and the three individuals were arrested and taken initially to hospital for checks.

The other two occupants of the vehicle identified Mullan as the driver.

He had been released early from a previous jail sentence.

Sheriff Krista Johnston jailed Mullan for 16 months plus another 80 days from his previous term.

He was also banned from driving for life.