Impressed Dunfermline residents recently took to online community groups, in search of a “phenomenal” busker who has attracted local attention.

Kieran McGuire, or “Kieran the Chanter” is a Glasgow based musician who quit his job as an electrician to follow his passion for singing.

Inspired by his late nana, he said: “She always said to do what you love, and I thought that I could sing a couple of days a week and be happy. Since starting busking I’ve been travelling the whole of the UK doing every city.

“If I want a day off, I can take it. If I want to gig all week then I can do that too. I love singing so I really can’t complain.”

Mr McGuire’s father worked as a DJ in Glasgow, and a young Kieran would often come along to set up with Karaoke. He said: “I got to an age where I was watching Robbie Williams singing to arenas with thousands of people singing back to him, and then I was watching my dad putting a roof over my head and food in my belly just from doing pubs. I just thought I could fit between there somewhere.”

“I like coming up to Dunfermline because people tend to appreciate the original music. I just want to make people feel something in a world where a lot of people are numb."

Talking about his newfound Dunfermline Facebook popularity, Mr McGuire said: “It’s wicked that it’s a word-of-mouth thing. I never wanted to post on social media, thinking it was bad for the head or whatever, but there’s a good side to it as well which people remind me of when they put up wee posts.”

“It makes a change from the noise complaints I’ve been used to for the past couple of years.”

“Since the posts going up, I’ve been messaged by a few pubs, and I just need to pick one now because I’d like to come up and do a little show before Christmas, somewhere warm that’s not outside.”