A WEAR It Pink coffee morning in Dunfermline will help raise funds for Breast Cancer Now on Saturday.

In-keeping with the colour scheme, Fiona and Martin Moore have been collecting a range of pink edibles, toiletries and other goodies for the event in the West Baptist Church, on Chalmers Street.

It's on from 11am until 2pm with entry, refreshments and purchases by donation. 

Fiona said: "It's a charity close to my heart.

"I've lost many friends and family members to the disease but have also seen others survive because of research done by cancer charities.

"When the opportunity to support the ’Wear it Pink Day’ - officially it's Friday - arose, I saw it as a way to do something positive to support and raise awareness of one of the lesser-known cancer charities.

"It would be lovely to see people in person - if possible please wear something pink - but if they are unable to come, there's a Just Giving page at www.justgiving.com/page/fiona-moore-1721636277478 where donations can be given."