A FORMER Dunfermline MP has launched a petition against the proposed cuts to social care and respite services. 

Willie Rennie has called for the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership to reconsider their proposals which include the restriction of access to social care and reductions in respite provision. 

He has argued that reductions to essential services will leave people struggling and potentially lead to increased costs elsewhere.

"These proposed cuts will have a real impact on people across Fife," he said.

"People who desperately need support will see it reduced or taken away. Cutting vital services will only add greater pressure onto other parts of the health and social care system."

The measures are intended to manage a projected overspend of £21.6 million. 

The full petition can be found here

He continued: “Cutting social care for people leaving hospital will result in more returning to hospital because they won’t be able to cope. Taking away respite care could mean family support collapsing and force more to be dependent on the state and care homes. Reducing services at urgent care units may result in more turning up to overcrowded A&E departments."

Mr Rennie has now launched a petition against these proposals, he added: “I have called on the Health and Social Care Partnership to think again and have challenged SNP ministers over the impact their budget cuts are having on local services.

"I encourage everyone who is concerned about what these cuts will mean to sign the petition I am launching today.”