THIS week's winner of the Dunfermline Press Scoop competition, kindly sponsored by Stephens the Bakers, is Peter Simpson of Dover Park, Dunfermline.

He is pictured inside the Stephens shop in Dunfermline High Street, receiving his prize.

Peter is looking forward to using his winning vouchers, stating: "Scoop is the first thing my wife and I look for every week in the Press and we're delighted to win.

"We look forward to getting some of our favourite Stephens cherry scones and sharing them with the family."

For the chance to win £50 in Stephens vouchers, tell us which page in this week’s Press Scoop is hiding on.

Email your entry to by Monday, marking 'Scoop
Competition' in the subject box, and leave your address and phone number.

A correct entry will be drawn at random.

The winner must be willing to be pictured in next week’s paper receiving their prize and be available when the Press calls.

If our call is unanswered, we will move on to an alternative winner.