Pet owners have been urged to watch out for these seven plants and flowers that come out in Autumn that are toxic to dogs. 

As the leaves begin to change colour and the temperature drops, many of us will be wrapping up in our woollies and heading out for scenic dog walks in the coming months.

But as dog owners will know, with more leaves on the ground, comes the potential for hidden toxic plants or flowers that they can't help but find.

The team of experts at pet food subscription service,, have put together a handy guide of seasonal flowers and plants that could be dangerous to your dog on your next walk.

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Autumn plants and flowers that are toxic to dogs

1. Acorns and Conkers

It's that time of year again which means conkers and acorns are falling from trees.

As delightful as this might sound, they are toxic to our furry friends when they are ingested in large quantities, the experts explained.

The team added: "In fact, many pet parents do not realise that they can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, lethargy and more if our dogs chew on them. 

"Unripe acorns, which often appear green, can be the most harmful, so make sure to watch out for them on your next autumnal walk!"

2. Horse Chestnut Trees 

Dog owners are also being urged to be wary of horse chestnut trees which are the trees which conkers come from. explains that this is because their bark, leaves and flowers can all cause extreme stomach problems for our dogs, and in some serious cases, can be fatal if enough is consumed. 

They continued: "If you are not sure how to identify a horse chestnut tree, identifying factors usually include hand-shape palmate leaves, as well as pinky-white flower spikes, and conkers". 

Dunfermline Press: It's that time of year again which means conkers and acorns are falling from trees. ( Getty Images)It's that time of year again which means conkers and acorns are falling from trees. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

3. Autumn Crocuses 

Autumn crocuses are described as goblet-like flowers which grow a few centimetres out of the ground.

They typically appear in a purple colour with golden-yellow stamens. 

You should keep your dog close if you begin to notice them sniffing around the flower since if they get too near and ingest them, the flowers can cause gastrointestinal upset for your dog.

This may lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling, or other unpleasant symptoms. 

4. Yew Trees 

Yew trees are extremely poisonous to most animals, according to

The experts added: "If ingested, the short, spiky needles can become lodged or stuck in your dog's throat, while ingesting the leaves alone can be enough to lead to fatal or near-death consequences for your dog".

The plant is also filled with poisonous red berries that your canine may see as a treat.

The team urges that dog owner look out for their spikey green leaves and bright red berries and steer clear where possible. 

Dunfermline Press: Dog owners have been urged to watch out for Yew Trees on their Autumn walks. ( Getty Images)Dog owners have been urged to watch out for Yew Trees on their Autumn walks. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

5. Hydrangeas 

Displaying billowy blooms towards the end of summer and into autumn, Hydrangea are beautiful but they can be extremely dangerous to our pets. 

Their bulbs contain cyanide - which can be deadly to dogs if enough is consumed.

The experts note: "Although serious cases of hydrangea poisoning are rare, if a small amount is consumed by your dog when they are digging in the garden, it can cause symptoms such as stomach problems, vomiting or blockages in the intestines". 

6. Ragwort 

Other flowers to be wary of, whether you are planning your autumn garden or out on a walk, are ragwort plants.

Though they also bloom in the spring and during summer, it is still important to be vigilant when looking for the plants this time of year, as all parts of it are toxic and poisonous when consumed by dogs.

When any part of the plant is consumed in sufficient quantities, it can cause irreversible damage to our canine’s kidneys or lead to liver failure. 

7. Amaryllis 

If your dog is a curious pet, and happily likes to dig about and explore when out on walks or playing in the garden, make sure to keep amaryllis flowers well out of reach. 

The beautiful flowers are often popular at Christmas time, as they bloom in bright shades of red, so October time is often when they are planted.

However, much like hydrangeas, the bulb of the flowers contain a compound called lycorine, which when ingested can cause symptoms such as drooling, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea in dogs.

Fortunately, most canines will need to ingest a large amount before severe toxicity occurs.