PULLING up outside Driftwood Spa in Rosyth, you don't expect to find the little pocket of peace that I did. 

Located near the Dockyard in the Rosyth Business Centre, Debbie has transformed her treatment room into something that could be mistaken for an intimate spa right on the coast. 

After following her detailed directions, I met up with Debbie outside where we shared a friendly introduction. For someone who had never had a massage or a proper facial, I wasn't sure what to expect but with her personable approach, Debbie put me right at ease. 

She took me into her room where I was met with soft blue lights, a sound machine playing soothing ocean and beach noises and clean, Scandi-inspired decor. It was a far cry from the cold and impersonal treatment room that I had in mind and I could see why her clients would find it so relaxing. 

Sat on a comfy chair in the corner, she got right into my consultation, I was having the Driftwood Spa Signature Treatment which promises an hour and a half of relaxation. It includes a tailored aromatherapy experience, a hot lava shell back massage and a personalised Elemis facial. 

Debbie and Chloe before the treatment.Debbie and Chloe before the treatment. (Image: David Wardle)

Debbie started off by asking me how I felt, how I had been sleeping, if I had any aches and pains or tension, my skin concerns and what I wanted to feel after I left today. 

It all felt very intimate and I had no idea that she would need to know so much about my well-being before we got started but throughout the consultation, she was able to find the perfect balance of friendly, chatty vibes and a professional discussion. 

Then Debbie worked what could have been genuine magic, after asking what I wanted to get from the experience - and disclosing my nightly battle with insomnia- I told Debbie that I wanted to feel less stressed, and ready to take on the day. 

She pulled out two different scents and asked me what one I was drawn back to, I chose option number 1 and thought it was pretty cool when she told me that the scent I picked was linked to relaxation and de-stressing. 

With that she told me to get ready and left the room so I could get situated. 

When she came back in, I was immediately put at ease. Debbie asked how I was feeling, if I was comfortable, and if the temperature of the room and the bed were okay before she got started with the hot lava shell massage. 

She had explained to me beforehand that the shells were filled with a solution that kept them at optimum temperature, that they had been hand polished so they were extremely smooth and had asked me what sort of pressure I was looking for. 

The treatment team.The treatment team. (Image: David Wardle)

As someone who hasn't had a massage before, I wasn't sure what to expect but it certainly wasn't to have my back cracking and popping like a glow-stick. Even lower on my expectations was to enjoy it as much as I did, I was able to feel the tension ease as she carried out the treatment, the temperature of the stones was really soothing and relaxing and because they were so smooth it was easy to forget that she was even using them at points. 

Thoroughly relaxed, Debbie moved on to the facial and even though my eyes were shut (If I'm being honest they were closed the entire 90 minutes and it would have been no hardship to fall asleep) I could tell how attentive she was. 

While I sat there with a treatment on, Debbie gave me an arm, hand and head massage which could only be described as bliss before she got out the heated towels and continued on with the facial. 

At the end of the 90 minutes- which flew by- Debbie left to get me some water while I got ready. She asked me how everything was and let me know that I might experience some aches from the massage and also told me to get in touch if I had any questions or concerns regarding skin care. 

Overall I don't have a single negative thing to say about my experience, Debbie was friendly, personable and professional. After the treatment, I felt great, no aches and pains in my back, the tension was gone and my skin never looked healthier.