THERE were smiling faces and positive feedback aplenty on Sunday as a large turnout of riders jumped into the saddle for one of Dunfermline Cycling Club's biggest events of the year.

A total of 148 pedal pushers signed up and took part in their annual Tour of the Kingdom Sportive, which began and finished in Pittencrieff Park.

Participants were given the option to ride a distance of either 58 or 92 miles on a new route that incorporated part of the course used during the men's elite road race in last year's UCI World Cycling Championships.

They were also able to have their time recorded via electronic time keeping; take advantage of refreshment stops for food and drinks throughout the route; receive photographs taken on the day; and put a finishers medal around their neck.

The sportive is one of the club's four major events in their calendar, which also includes the Knockhill Mountain TT, Jack Murray Road Race and the Eileen Roe Shield Women's Road Race. 

Club spokesperson Stuart Delgarno said: "Sunday went so well, in perfect conditions, apart from a bit of a westerly wind. There were lots of smiling faces and great feedback too!"

The club offered a special thanks to Chic Medley and Neil Martin for organising the event, alongside a team of volunteers, and for helping in its lead up, at the sign on from 6am, and at the feed stations around the course.

For more information about the club, visit their website at or find them on Facebook.