RELEASED Pars midfielder Paul Allan felt he could've "kicked on" next season and held down a first team position.

And despite being let go by the team he grew up supporting, he doesn't blame the management duo that he described as "excellent".

Last month, 24-year-old Allan was told his contract wouldn't be renewed, joining Alex Jakubiak, Max Little, Miller Fenton and youngsters Michael Beagley and Jake Rennie in exiting the club.

After Athletic made its decision, assistant manager Dave Mackay revealed that budget constraints was a reason for Allan's departure, and he said it could come back to "bite" them if he signs for a league rival.

Allan, who has had interest from other clubs, played 33 times for the Pars last season and, although his first campaign under boss James McPake and number two Mackay was hit by injury, he said: "My relationship with the manager and Dave was really good.

"I enjoyed my two seasons working under them. I thought they were excellent and it is bittersweet because it's clear that the manager and Dave did think highly of me, and I thought, next season especially, I could've kicked on and done well.

"The League One season was obviously brilliant for the club and the team, but one on an individual note that wasn't ideal for me.

"I had an injury on my foot and, when I spoke to the gaffer, it probably should've been sorted out maybe three months earlier than it was, but it was kind of mismanaged.

"That kept me out for a large spell of that season. I think I only played the first two games, and maybe came back towards the end, which was frustrating because the first two games I did really well. It was just bad timing and it was one of those longer-term injuries, rather than something I could've got over quicker.

"This season I think I played 33 times, which is a decent amount of games, and especially towards the end, I thought I did well.

"The management team said it was taken out of their control, and their hands were tied, so I can see why an offer wasn't made.

"The injury I had in League One was just a freak injury. It was my metatarsal, so to bounce back from that and then this season play a lot games, and be available for most of the season, was thoroughly enjoyable.

"Hopefully I can take that into next season."

Mackay commented: "Myself and the manager think really highly of Paul.

"He's going to have a lot of options and it might be one that comes back to bite the club where Paul goes to a higher level than where we currently are, or he goes to a competitor in our division. I know there are a few clubs interested in him.

"He's been very unfortunate, one, with injury, and two, with the fact he was coming out of contract. There had to be some movement in terms of the budget."