AN INVERKEITHING teen is hoping to powerlift his way to the Commonwealth Games and Paralympics. 

Finlay Davidson, who is 19, has achondroplasia - a bone growth disorder and form of dwarfism that leaves those affected with short limbs - already has a long list of achievements under his belt. 

And things are just going to get better for the teenager, who can lift over twice his own body weight, as he targets the upcoming British Weight Lifting (BWL) World Programme. 

His mum, Hailey – who is regional co-ordinator in Scotland for the Dwarf Sports Association UK (DSA)- told the Press: "It’s, hopefully, looking like he will go into the world programme after Paris, and he is looking towards the Commonwealth Games and the Paralympics 2028.

READ MORE: Dwarf Sports Association National Games success for West Fife athletes

"If he gets that backing behind him, he would be the first Scottish person with Dwarfism to get to the Paralympics.  

"He’s not letting anything hold him back. He’s just had that backing, that support and that determination and now he’s set that this can actually happen."

Finlay has recently returned from a 10-day event in Birmingham, he took part in the GAPS (Gather, Adjust, Prepare, Sustain) training programme, developed by the Commonwealth Games Federation.

The programme supports the development of inclusive sports pathways throughout the Commonwealth, removing barriers to participation for people with disabilities and for women to become actively involved, bringing together over 120 athletes, coaches and experts from the 21 Commonwealth nations.

Finlay is a great role model for the kids. (Image: Supplied)

The event’s focused sports were para powerlifting and table tennis and Finlay was the only Scottish athlete attending with Dwarfism.

He was first talent spotted just two years ago by British Weightlifting at the DSA national games.

Now weighing in at under 49kg, he is currently bench pressing over double his body weight at 132kg in competition.

His aim is to be invited on to the BWL World Programme in 2025, compete at the 2026 Commonwealth Games with the eventual dream of competing at the 2028 Paralympics in Los Angeles.

But first he is looking forward to competing in London at the Gymshark Lift-Off on July 20.

And it isn't just his weightlifting that he's focused on, Finlay also balances his sports with his academics and is currently studying Electrical Engineering at Fife College. 

Hailey continued: "He’s very humble, he’s determined but back in the day, nothing bothered him. He was just happy-go-lucky and went about his business.

READ MORE: Victorious Fife athletes gain medals at World Dwarf Games

"He’s just got on with stuff but I think that’s because he has been involved [in the DSA] from a young age that he has respect for people. He understands what people have gone through - he's met amputees with horrific stories and that’s all built him as a person.  

"He inspires so many other kids in the DSA. We do the regions so the kids, if he’s about, he’ll always come and support them.  

"He’s a well-rounded kid, I think he’ll do well. We’re confident that he’s going to be a success, even in his college course. "

With his determination and dedication to both his passion and his studies, it's no wonder the younger kids look up to him. 

His proud mum added: "He inspires me to try and be better!"

For now, Finlay will continue to train and work towards his goals. If any local businesses would like to sponsor him in his endeavours, email him at 

More information on the DSA is available here